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The jungle surrounds you, a suffocating embrace of tangled vines and dense trees. A chilling mist drifts in and out leaving the air with a thick, humid fetid breath. The hungry, unseen insects feasting on your flesh with every step. The deeper you venture, the denser the jungle becomes, as if the very foliage itself conspires to halt your progress, to swallow you whole. Here, the air hangs heavy with a silent menace, a chilling promise that this verdant labyrinth holds something far more terrifying than just bugs and thorns.

This chart gives the players random encounters while hiking through a jungle that changes and wants to keep you from navigating it. 

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tagsjungle, mork-borg, pbcabinfever, pirate-borg


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The Eldritch Jungle.pdf 8.3 MB

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